
CALL Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to  Remember me

I. Summary
The poem I choose to summarize and react to  Remember me By Christina Rosetti.This poem is a littele short than others.And this is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem  Christina Rosetti use  a human word "Remember".
私が選びまとめた詩はクリスティーナ ロゼッティが書いた Remember me という詩です。この詩はほかの詩より少し短いです。そして、この詩は叙情詩といえます。なぜなら作者は Rememberという人間らしい単語を使っているからです。

Ⅱ.  Reaction
1. Character
The character in this poem is maybe dying. Because 1〜2line says "Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land;   " and this the silent land means heaven,I think.So the characer's moment of death is closing.

 2. Theme
This poem of theme is Love and Death,I think. Because the character is dying,as mentioned avobe.
In this situation,she express that how the character love him in this poem.

The auther use "remember" many times. I think she use the word "Remember" as "I love you".

4. General opinion
In this poem the auther express the character's painful feeling without using simile like "I love you".

Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to  Remember me

I. Summary
The poem I choose to summarize and react to Remember me By Christina Rosetti.This poem is a littele short than others.
This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem  Christina Rosetti use words "Remember".

Ⅱ.  Reaction
1. Imagery

2. Theme

3.Point of view

4. General opinion

Literary Reaction Journal 1
 Reaction to To be or not to be

I. Summary
The poem I chose to summarize and react to is To be, or not to be: that is the question by Shakespeare. This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem Shakespeare expresses his feelings about the confusion about the meaning of life. In this poem the character, Hamlet, is trying to decide whether he should try to continue to fight against difficult situations in his life or just give up and die.

II. Reaction
The tone in this peom is very strong and powerful.  The reason that so many people remember this poem is because of this power and strength.

2. Symbolism
The Symbolism in this poem is  human emotion.Because Man is a only creature that have emotion of how they position the purpose and meaning of life.

3. Point of view
He hangs between life and death. This situation that he struggle whether he will be or not to be - under two sides of the same coin- is the most difficult problem in this human world.

4. General opinion
This poem has some power  to attract someone's mind whether readers know this poem or not."To be or not to be" this confusion about the meaning of life is impossible to resolve the conflict. But that is especially why this poem makes readers more human.


Literary Reaction Journal 1

 Reaction to To be or not to be

I. Summary
The poem I chose to summarize and react to is To be, or not to be: that is the question by Shakespeare. This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem Shakespeare expresses his feelings about the confusion about the meaning of life. In this poem the character, Hamlet, is trying to decide whether he should try to continue to fight against difficult situations in his life or just give up and die.

II. Reaction
The tone in this peom is very strong and powerful.  The reason that so many people remember this poem is because of this power and strength.

2. Symbolism
The Symbolism in this poem is


3. Point of view

4. General opinion
This poem has some power that people