
Literary Reaction Journal 7

I choose and summarize and react to short film,Love Sick in 2011 and written,directed and edited by Kevin Mark Lacy. The main character's thinking is always one way. He has a characteristic or condition of loving people impartially and it's called "Love Sick".
この主人公は常に想いが一方通行です。彼は分け隔てなく人を好きになり、そしてこれをLove  Sickと呼びます。

 Love is blind; those who fall in love are unable at times to think or act rationally. (The main character is in an automobile crash by losing control of oneself . Moreover, he runs for his life. )

A comedy with  cheerful elements 

The main character soon rallied and found new lover and try to go next love again.

4.General opinion
He has a characteristic or condition of loving people impartially. I think he is crazy.  But I don't like indulge in vain regrets. So in a sense, he gives me some cheered up word "Don't be so down in the dumps. You just got dumped, that's all."



CALL Literary Reaction Journal 6

Trial Marriages

 The movie I chose to summarize and react is "Trial Marriages". This movie comically shows  various Trail when Jhon(main character) gets married with 4types of girls.

①A sentimental girl →music that makes you feel dark and gloomy when you listen
②A jealous girl →hilarious music
③A languid girl →slowly music (this music uses a musical instrument,fagotto mainly)
④A window with half-dozen children →music that makes you feel dark and gloomy when you listen
 ①④聴いてると悲しくなる曲 ②陽気な曲 ③ゆっくりな曲(楽器ファゴットがメイン)

This movie is performed to music by a man who do a Chaplin.

This movie is like an old film featuring Charlie Chaplin. Because this main character (a man who is likes Chaplin) played the fool and set the audience laughing and a black-and-white movie

4.General opinion
The following is the golden and everlasting saying of Benjamin Franklin
"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half-shut afterwards."
I thought this famous saying is suitable for movie. 
『結婚前には両目を大きく開いて見よ。 結婚してからは片目を閉じよ。』これはベンジャミンフランクリンの不滅名言です。この言葉はこの映画にぴったりだなあと思いました。


CALL Literary Reaction Journal 5

The Real Princess by Hans Christian Andersen

The story I chose to summarize and react is The Real Princess Synopsis.
The story tells of a prince who wants to marry a princess, but is having difficulty finding a suitable wife. Something is always wrong with those he meets, and he cannot be certain they are real princesses.One day, by placing a pea in the bed prince's mather is offered for the night, covered by 20 mattresses and 20 feather-beds,do the test that is whether the princess is a real princess.


           Having the sensitivity to feel a pea through such a quantity of bedding
                              A real princess

2. Denouement
The two are married.

Of a person, a quality of outward dignity and grace shows her good upbringing.

4. General opinion
This story tells how we make observations is important, I thought . The real problem is not the clothes, not the status, but have to see the person behind those external appearances.
この物語はどう観察するかが重要であるかを教えてくれていると思う。本当に問題なのは服でも地位でもなくて そういう見た目(見たところからわかる情報)に隠れている人間性を見ることだと思う。


CALL Literary Reaction Journal 4

. Summary
The story I choose to summarize and react to is “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde.
In a town where a lot of poor people suffer, a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter meets the statue of the late "Happy Prince",
who in reality has never experienced true happiness. Viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument, the story centers round what is happiness to human.
貧困に苦しむ町で、ある一匹のツバメ(彼の仲間である群れはすでに六週間前にエジプトに出発していましたが、 そのツバメは残っていました)が冬の間に幸福な王子(生きていた時に本当の幸せを味わった事のない)と呼ばれる銅像に出会う。その幸福な王子像は高台から貧困に苦しむ人々をみて、物語は人間にとって幸せとは何かを軸に展開してゆく。


.  Reaction
1. Denouement
The swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds. The statue of Happy Prince is then torn down and melted leaving behind the broken heart.

2. Symbolism
The more stripping of all of the statue's beauty is focused upon, the more the self-sacrifice of the happy prince and the swallow becomes tragic.

3. Theme
This theme holds this dead locked feeling that we sense in our time must have been sensed the way we do so repetitively in many places at many historical times. Because this story take pity on people (that there are those who have unfortunately taken the joker phisically or mentally)  

4.General opinion
I thought what is the true happiness on human life after reading this story. I wonder how anyone could just ignore this problematic chaotic side of the reality and how could just say "we are going to be alright!". Without the descriptions of the very problems that we are facing right now, the creating something is meaningless I thought.










CALL Literary Reaction Journal 3

I. Summary
The short short story I chose to summarize and is The important things in life.This story tell readers to set importance of priorities.

Ⅱ.  Reaction
1 Character
Main character of this short story is a philosophy professor who tell his classmates and readers to how setting priorities is important useing some items.

2 Symbolism

The jar→your life
①the rocks→the important things (ex.your family, your health etc...)
②the pebbles→the other things matter (ex.your job, your house, your car etc...)
③the sand→everything else (ex. except①,②)

3 Theme
I think this theme is how setting priorities is important .Because 16~ line says" “If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.”

4 General opinion
 Life is often compared to a voyage. But in this short short story, life is compared to jar. That is verey interesting.


CALL Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to  Remember me

I. Summary
The poem I choose to summarize and react to  Remember me By Christina Rosetti.This poem is a littele short than others.And this is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem  Christina Rosetti use  a human word "Remember".
私が選びまとめた詩はクリスティーナ ロゼッティが書いた Remember me という詩です。この詩はほかの詩より少し短いです。そして、この詩は叙情詩といえます。なぜなら作者は Rememberという人間らしい単語を使っているからです。

Ⅱ.  Reaction
1. Character
The character in this poem is maybe dying. Because 1〜2line says "Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land;   " and this the silent land means heaven,I think.So the characer's moment of death is closing.

 2. Theme
This poem of theme is Love and Death,I think. Because the character is dying,as mentioned avobe.
In this situation,she express that how the character love him in this poem.

The auther use "remember" many times. I think she use the word "Remember" as "I love you".

4. General opinion
In this poem the auther express the character's painful feeling without using simile like "I love you".

Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to  Remember me

I. Summary
The poem I choose to summarize and react to Remember me By Christina Rosetti.This poem is a littele short than others.
This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem  Christina Rosetti use words "Remember".

Ⅱ.  Reaction
1. Imagery

2. Theme

3.Point of view

4. General opinion

Literary Reaction Journal 1
 Reaction to To be or not to be

I. Summary
The poem I chose to summarize and react to is To be, or not to be: that is the question by Shakespeare. This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem Shakespeare expresses his feelings about the confusion about the meaning of life. In this poem the character, Hamlet, is trying to decide whether he should try to continue to fight against difficult situations in his life or just give up and die.

II. Reaction
The tone in this peom is very strong and powerful.  The reason that so many people remember this poem is because of this power and strength.

2. Symbolism
The Symbolism in this poem is  human emotion.Because Man is a only creature that have emotion of how they position the purpose and meaning of life.

3. Point of view
He hangs between life and death. This situation that he struggle whether he will be or not to be - under two sides of the same coin- is the most difficult problem in this human world.

4. General opinion
This poem has some power  to attract someone's mind whether readers know this poem or not."To be or not to be" this confusion about the meaning of life is impossible to resolve the conflict. But that is especially why this poem makes readers more human.


Literary Reaction Journal 1

 Reaction to To be or not to be

I. Summary
The poem I chose to summarize and react to is To be, or not to be: that is the question by Shakespeare. This is a good example of lyric poetry because in this poem Shakespeare expresses his feelings about the confusion about the meaning of life. In this poem the character, Hamlet, is trying to decide whether he should try to continue to fight against difficult situations in his life or just give up and die.

II. Reaction
The tone in this peom is very strong and powerful.  The reason that so many people remember this poem is because of this power and strength.

2. Symbolism
The Symbolism in this poem is


3. Point of view

4. General opinion
This poem has some power that people


My First Blog Post

Hello to my classmates.
My name is Mariko.Nice to meet you!
I want to enjoying cultral exchange with people from all over the world.
So I'll try studying actual handy usage of the language in this blog.